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The Showdown

Thursday 6 January 2011

I'll talk about the racing game. Today, racing game isn't only an arcade game anymore. Here they are, the contestant. EA with their NFS Shift 2 Unleashed, SCE and Sony with their success brand, Grand Turismo 5 (GT5), Microsoft and Turn10 with their Forza motorsport 4 with kinect, Test drive unlimited 2 by atari and eden, and the last one is Drift 3 by Codemaster. These all brands are sucking success with their own racing-brands, and here is the showdown:

1st: The Brotherhood
1. Need For Speed
EA has failed at the first time they try to create an legal-racing game. The legal-racing series are Pro Street, SHIFT and the upcoming SHIFT 2. Pro Street had a very big developed graphic but really messed up with their gameplay, it very fucking-bored you, just choose your car, tracks and a little modification and race. There isn't more challenges, it's stupid for us to playing this game. The second one is SHIFT, Shift's 1st series is full like a bullshit. You can't change the driver view and only can drive your car with wearing the poor-racing helmet, i need to see the whole world not an crapy-interiors with the fucking helmet on your head.
2. Grand Turismo
GT Series are known well by the racing community because of they are the successor of the playstation one for GT1 and GT2. They found and make a buy and race gameplay and a little bit modification on your wheels. The series keep go on until the fourth series on PS2, the fourth series had a very big changes especially on the graphic and gaming-engines. But still like old-school games, The GT series never change their bored-gameplay. Buy and Race, we can't go out to somewhere or anything else, we just running on the tracks that we've seen for many years and the same car for many years. But GT Series had the most completely cars in racing game. For your information, you can drive your New Honda Jazz or your old Suzuki Karimun (also known as Wagon R)
3. Forza motorsport
Forza series had also a big changes at their graphic and engines issues, they improved much much more from forza 2 at PS2 to the newer version forza 3 at the new Xbox 360. The Forza series had a better gameplay than GT series, they're not too formal and legal to play. But their lacks of some modification.
4. Test Drive
The Test Drive series was made for many sequel. In the PS1 ages, they made of 7 series of Test Drive with no development on the graphic or the engine issues, they only change the themes of the racing. But yesterday, they made something new and cool they found it, the unlimited series. The unlimited series provides you so many thing such as free roaming in that city, good graphic that works on XBOX360, you have your own garage with a lot of modification on your player outfit and you can buy the damn vehicles on their autoshop. It's great.
5. Dirt
Dirt was the youngest contestant in this showdown. They only had 3 series until today and the improvement of their work isn't very significant because they already came with the new engines at Dirt1 and so on at Dirt2. Dirt had the fewest features, lack of modification and racing style, they only provide a rally experiences

Score for each issue 1-10 with one numbers behind the comma
1. Need For Speed SHIFT 2 Unleashed
Graphics : 8.2
Gameplay : 7.5
Sound : 8.5
Features : 8.5
Control : 9.0
Originality : 7.0
2. Grand Turismo 5
Graphics : 8.4
Gameplay : 7.2
Sound : 8.5
Features : 7.1
Control : 9.3
Originality : 7.8
3. Forza Motorsport 4
Graphics : 8.9
Gameplay : 9.1
Sound : 8.5
Features : 9.5
Control : 8.0
Originality : 9.0
4. Test Drive Unlimited 2
Graphics : 8.7
Gameplay : 9.0
Sound : 8.5
Features : 9.7
Control : 8.0
Originality : 9.0
5. Dirt 3
Graphics : 8.8
Gameplay : 8.8
Sound : 8.5
Features : 7.5
Control : 8.5
Originality : 8.0

Ascending from their order,
1. 8.12 SHIFT2
2. 8.05 GT5
3. 8.83 FORZA4
4. 8.82 TDU2
5. 8.35 DIRT3

Ascending from the higher score,
1. FORZA4 8.83
2. TDU2 8.82
3. DIRT3 8.35
4. SHIFT2 8.12
5. GT5 8.05

And based on the avaibility of the size of the car pack, track pack and environment here is the showdown

1. Need For Speed SHIFT 2 Unleashed
Tracks quality : 8.2
Cars quality : 9.4
Number of Tracks : 8.5
Number of cars : 8.3
Environment quality : 8.2
Shader quality : 8.7
Shadow quality : 8.5
Graphic-beauty : 8.6
Graphic-reality : 8.9
Shapes & Polygons : 9.5
In-game performance : 9.0
In-game quality : 9.0
Customization : 9.3
Accessibility : 8.0

2. Grand Turismo 5
Tracks quality : 8.6
Cars quality : 7.9
Number of Tracks : 9.7
Number of cars : 9.8
Environment quality : 8.9
Shader quality : 8.4
Shadow quality : 8.3
Graphic-beauty : 8.2
Graphic-reality : 8.5
Shapes & Polygons : 8.1
In-game performance : 9.5
In-game quality : 9.0
Customization : 9.7
Accessibility : 8.0

3. Forza motorsport 4
Tracks quality : 8.2
Cars quality : 9.7
Number of Tracks : 8.8
Number of cars : 8.9
Environment quality : 9.5
Shader quality : 9.6
Shadow quality : 8.9
Graphic-beauty : 9.2
Graphic-reality : 9.1
Shapes & Polygons : 9.0
In-game performance : 8.7
In-game quality : 8.5
Customization : 8.3
Accessibility : 8.4

4. Test Drive Unlimited 2
Tracks quality : 8.5
Cars quality : 8.0
Number of Tracks : 9.8
Number of cars : 9.3
Environment quality : 8.0
Shader quality : 7.6
Shadow quality : 7.8
Graphic-beauty : 8.2
Graphic-reality : 8.0
Shapes & Polygons : 7.9
In-game performance : 9.5
In-game quality : 7.9
Customization : 9.9
Accessibility : 8.0

5. Dirt 3
Tracks quality : 9.0
Cars quality : 8.9
Number of Tracks : 8.8
Number of cars : 8.5
Environment quality : 9.0
Shader quality : 9.1
Shadow quality : 8.8
Graphic-beauty : 8.9
Graphic-reality : 9.5
Shapes & Polygons : 9.0
In-game performance : 9.4
In-game quality : 9.0
Customization : 8.7
Accessibility : 8.0

The RESULT ascending by their order:
1. 8.72 SHIFT2
2. 8.75 GT5
3. 8.91 FORZA4
4. 8.46 TDU2
5. 8.90 DIRT3

The RESULT ascending by the Higher score:
1. FORZA4 8.91
2. DIRT3 8.90
3. GT5 8.75
4. SHIFT2 8.72
5. TDU2 8.46

The TOP3
1st : FORZA4 8.87
2nd : TDU2 8.64
3rd : DIRT3 8.63

The others
4th : SHIFT2 8.42
5th : GT2 8.40

The result based on the game's data and experiences, Their value is a little bit different.


Thursday 23 December 2010

nyokap gw: "kamu itu harus belajar masak! jangan nyuruh mama, cici, emba lagi buat masak, nanti kalo kamu diluar negri gimana? siapa yang masakin?"
gw: "........ ok"
nyokap: "nanti selesai un belajar masak sama mama!"

gw cukup trauma sama yang namanya masak, dulu pas gw smp gw pernah masak kentang goreng (kentang pembawa bencana). daripada nunggu lama yaudalah gw tinggal ke kamar nonton dulu, dan kebetulan filmnya lucu (ekstravaganza waktu itu masih lucu dan gak jayus). Nggak lama bokap masuk ke kamar gw, kamu nyium bau aneh gak?
gw: "apaan? asep?"
gw: "omg"

semuanya lari ke dapur dan sebelum gw bisa masuk kedapur gw udah diterpa asep ngebul bukan main (lebay tapi emang begitu), nyokap masuk nerobos ke tempat cuci piring buat ngambil karung goni. tanpa pikir panjang gw lari ke kamar mandi dan ngambil segayung air dan menyiramkannya ke kompor yang membara. Alhasil, api hampir menyambar muka gw (kena dikit kali tuh rambut gw gak tau dah). Nyokap ama bokap marahin gw, kamu gimana si! masa dikasih air mana bisa! terus mereka pake karung goni yang direndem air sabun dan semua handuk.
Untung waktu gw masak gw nyalahin exhaustfan jadi apinya kesedot kesana, tapi kagi-lagi alhasil exhaustfan gw jebol bolong rontok hitam. errr, satu dapur jadi areng hitam yang menyala-nyala (personifikasi).
Singkatnya setelah api reda dan masih nyala-nyala dikit dipinggiran meja", gw masih duduk merenung bakalan gimana ni nasib gw.
Besokannya dapurnya dibetulin, dan pas dipanggil dealer kompornya katanya gak termasuk garansi kalo gitu bla bla bla. Tewas deh gw -__-"

Tapi berkat sifat pantang menyerah gw, sampe sekarang gw masih memasak. Lol, walaupun gw sangat takut kalo masak pake minyak (mengingat kejadian lampau) jadi kalo masak kentang ato ayam gorenga ato apa yang pake minyak, gw harus mengenakan jubah ajaib gw dulu, handuk dililit disekujur tangan supaya nggak kena cipratan minyak yang keji panasnya, pake kacamata hitam besar biar tidak terciprat ke mata dan menangkal radiasi (apa coba nggak nyambung), pake lengan panjang (kalo sempet), dan tangan kiri megang capitan cak cak yang kana megang apa itu namnya 'serokan' yang panjang dan berdiri ala pemain enggrang dengan kuda-kuda yang mantap biar nggak kepleset baru deh masak. dan kalo ada cipratan minyak, kita harus... mundur satu langkah ato menghindar seperti matriks (terserah deh) biasanya sih kalo udah meletok-meletok gw kabur manggil cici gw dan dia cuma ngomong "payah".
gw akuin gw payah dalam memasak tapi dengan tekat bulatku akan ku taklukan sang kompor. Lol

PC dan Konsol

Dulu gw mikir bahwa gw sangat nggak demen sama yang namanya konsol, mulai dari jaman ps1 aja cici gw mulu yang maenin. Kemudian lanjut ke ps2 tetep cici gw ditambah ade gw yang maenin. dulu gw mikir kalo maen konsol itu nggak dewasa, kita cuma bisa nerima grafik dan settingan apa adanya tanpa bisa mod ato bahkan pake trainer. Sejak kecil gw emang demen sama yang namanya ngutak-ngatik mesin, khususnya komputer. Pernah gw gabungin 2 komputer supaya jadi satu komputer dengan jumlah kuantitas memory RAM dan grafik yang gw dua kalilipatkan, alhasil gagal gak nyala. Mulai dari hardware sampe software dan bahkan coding. gw belajar coding dan kawan-kawannya dari masalah yang muncul di game. dari SD gw udah sering coding game sampe tahap yang dinamain mod alias modifikasi. Beberapa berhasil dan beberapa gagal gak bisa dijalanin. walaupun lebih banyak yang gagal dibanding yang berhasil gw gak nyerah gitu aja, gw belajar terus sampe akhirnya sekarang gw cukup mengerti dan mahir dalam dunia PC bahahahaha. Tapi sekarang gw udah mulai jenuh, gila aja Pc tiap berapa bulan udah ketinggalan jaman lagi, dan beberapa dan bahkan hampir semua game pc yang bisa online itu ribetnya setengah mampus. kayak cod mw2 buat online mesti donlod patch sebanyak 3 biji yang satunya besarnya 800mb, ato cod mw yang gampang langsung bisa online tapi mesti donlod patch sebanyak 7 biji. lagian lu gak mungkin maenin tu campaign ato story terus"an, lu bakalabn lebih nikmaitin maen online. Now, i'm waiting and searching for XBOX360 Slim 250GB S Series Jasper and his friends kinect!

SchwammBob Quadratkopf

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Heute habe ich nirgendwo hingehen und den gesamten Inhalt meines Hauses aus zu gehen wollen Aktivitäten. Heute ist Muttertag, aber ich traf nur 5 Minuten heute Morgen mit meiner Mutter. Vielleicht ist es nur Fernsehen und Computer, die mich bis in den Nachmittag begleiten wird. Heute Morgen habe ich im Fernsehen und puh wiederum ist SpongeBob Schwammkopf im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt weltweit. Ja, es ist mein Lieblings-Cartoon. Ich mag amerikanische Cartoons, ist der Autor zu schlau für die Ansicht, dass Filme wie. Heute Morgen gibt es eine sehr lustige Dialoge;
Spongebob : Kami ingin menjelaskan bahwa squidward tidak bersalah
Guard : lalu itu salah siapa
Patrick : Mungkin salahku
Spongebob : tidak patrick, itu salahku
patrick : Terima kasih sobat
Dann in die nächste Fortsetzung ist noch viel mehr Action wie verrückt spongebob pullover gemacht Thaddäus Wimpern und Tränen. Es war unterhaltsam genug, dass ich langweilig

Kursteilnehmerin von mir

Saturday 18 December 2010

Yeay habe ich neulich ein Zertifikat Diplom kursteilnehmerin A1. Ich habe mindestens einer Ebene und einer Bedingung stufen abgeschlossen. Und auf meinem Zeugnis vermerkt die Ergebnisse meiner Studie für drei Monate, ja sogar solche, die das Gut erhalten, aber es war sehr gut meiner Meinung nach. Oya, vielen Dank, Frau Sri Dank Rahmawati, die uns geführt hat gestern über die Höhe und hoffentlich treffen wir uns wieder auf die nächste Ebene.

letzer im der A11 kurz

ich habbe lerne Deutsch für drei month. das ist sehr sehr wunderbar. meine klasse ist immer und sehr groß. fur deine information mein klasse ist die großer klasse in goethe institute. also, mein klass hat fünf nehmer und so viele nehmerin. und Das ist das Wichtigste .... meine klasse don't have have any nemo. arrr die undere klasse hattest viele nemo. hiks. und ich sehe eine nemo auf mein sechs in der kantine


Ich bin einen nehmer von Loren. Ich bin schleht und nächdem kaputt. Aber das sind keine meine problem. Vor woche, wir; meine schulefreund nicht möchte dekoratiret unser Klasse. Wir möchte, aber wir habe so viele test. Das sind unser problem


